Behind the scenes shooting greens / by Emma Paling McGough

Last week I was back in the studio shooting a quick project on steamed greens. The idea came from a picture I made a few months ago, a spear of broccoli shot on a black background, and it was something I wanted to expand upon. 

Working with Andrew Williams as a videographer and assistant, we came up with the 4 images shown in the Steamed Greens gallery. And Andrew, as always, made a good job of capturing what makes food photography interesting (in my opinion!)

Take a look at the video and see what you think.

Food photography isn't just about styling, it isn't just about lighting, and it isn't just about pressing the shutter on an expensive camera. Especially as all of my pictures are not a product of a big creative team, it's just me. Often Andrew is around to help with the practical set up and help with the things I really don't like to do, like getting on top of a step ladder to manually focus an overhead shot (my preference is for a 120mm macro on the Phase, rather than going for something wider and being able to shoot closer). So, wait, what was my original point? Ah right; food photography is about the concept, I want to make a photograph that makes a viewer want what's in it. And sometimes that means holding a soft box in lieu of a reflector with one hand, and a kettle of steaming hot water in the other.