Updates, updates, updates / by Emma Paling McGough

Change is a word associated with something new, something different. But change happens all the time without us noticing or even having to react. People fear change, I think more than most would admit. It happens though, it can't be stopped.

So while I was sat making changes to my website, I pondered the concept of change. I wanted to write a blog post about my changes. But why? Really, it's no big deal. I'm updating. I'm refreshing. I'm improving. That's something that goes on for many without the need to shout about it.

September sees the start of a new school year. As I packed my daughter off to school at the start of this week, I resolved to get back on with my to do list that lay dormant over the summer. I have worked on weddings, portraits and some commercial work over the past few months, but a lot of my time has been taken up with being a mum and trying to squeeze the best out of each day. While that's no bad thing, it does mean that my camera hasn't been working as hard as usual.

So what? Nothing really. There are changes to my website. I am looking forward to the next 5 weeks which include some different types of work for me; one being running an after-school camera club. And I look forward to picking up my camera to create some new work that should find its way onto my website.

The latest updates see the old 'Places' section gone - that work, while I am still proud of it, was associated with a second year university module. One of the pictures resulted in being shortlisted for the AOP Student Awards of which I am immensely proud. But it has been replaced by a 'Commercial' gallery. Over the coming months that will be updated to reflect the work that I do outside of food photography. 

This particular work was for surface patter designer, Kirath Ghundoo. We had a busy but brilliant day shooting her luxury wallpaper at an old munitions factory in the North East. The photographs can be seen in context here