Topped toffee apples
Alright, so it's bonfire night this weekend. If you're out and about; have fun!
If you're planning your own party, or indeed just want to have a go at making toffee apples (and, I have to be honest, I'm not one for necessarily sticking with tradition so make these any time of the year and they're still lush!) here is how you do it.
What you're gonna need:
8 Granny Smith Apples, 400g Caster Sugar, 100 ml water, 1 tsp vinegar, 4 tbsp Golden Syrup.
What you're gonna have to do:
Plonk the apples in a pan of boiling water for a few minutes, this is to wash off any wax and make sure the toffee sticks so don't skip this part. Twist off any stalks and whack a wooden lolly stick (or go wild with alternatives) through the core of each apple. Dry them off properly and place them on a piece of baking parchment on a tray NEXT TO YOUR HOB. I can't stress enough how time is a factor here.
Next, make the toffee. This isn't easy without a sugar thermometer, get one if you can (I didn't the first time, but I did each time after!) Pour the sugar into a pan along with 100ml water and set over a medium heat. Cook for 5 mins until the sugar dissolves, then stir in the vinegar and syrup. If you have a sugar thermometer now is the time to pop it in the pan and boil to 150C or 'hard crack' stage. If you don’t have a thermometer you can test the toffee by pouring a little into a bowl of cold water. It should harden instantly and, when removed, be brittle and easy to break. If you can still squish the toffee, continue to boil it. See how it is easier with a thermometer?
Finally, coat the apples but you have to work quickly and carefully. Do so by dipping and twisting each apple in the hot toffee until covered, let any excess drip away, then place on the baking parchment to harden. If the temperature drops and it starts to feel thick, reheat the toffee but I have to be honest, you're best getting it right first time.
While the toffee is still sticky, you can add any toppings (or bottoms?) to them as desired. Chopped nuts? Hundreds and thousands? Whatever you have lurking at the back of your baking shelf (or is that just me?). Leave to cool and harden and even dip in melted chocolate if that takes your fancy.
They should last a couple of days in an airtight container. Or you should just eat them and then you don't have to worry about it!
Happy bonfire night, stay safe and wrap up!