Carrot cake inspired overnight oats, topped with yogurt, walnuts, and honey
Overnight oats have been the breakfast of choice in our house for a very long time. Back in the day when we both used to leave the house at 7am, they were handy to grab from the fridge on the way out to work.
They still are, although I rarely leave the house at 7am. But my partner does. And there is always a pot of oats in the fridge ready to grab the following morning.
I tend to cook my oats with almond milk and have it with yogurt and fruit. But I am still a fan of the overnight variety from time to time.
I am interested, though, in the trend for variations. Some I have tried have worked, some haven’t. I tried to get my daughter interested with a cocoa version but she wasn’t a fan.
These carrot cake inspired overnight oats were divisive. I loved them but my other half didn’t.
If you want to give it a go though, here is what you need:
40g grated carrot, a pinch of mixed spice, 1/4 tsp ground cinnamon, 50g rolled porridge oats, 120ml of milk of your choice (or water). Put all ingredients into a jar or container and mix. Leave overnight. The following morning, mix in some dried fruit (I used cranberries because it’s all I had!), top with natural yogurt and a drizzle of honey. Done.